Hey there! My name is Leah, i'm sure you can already see that though from this website alone! I write under the name Leah Diane as a Paranormal Romance writer and do a little Horror on the side, may end up dabbling in Erotica who knows!
What I do know is, 2018 is gone! It's so exciting to me! 2019 is going to be the year of my Publication under this name and I get to share all my works with the world! It's going to be a hard journey at first but I'm hoping someone out there is willing to go along on this ride with me! My first books will be part of the Renning Chronicles series, but after that you'll be getting content that is most certainly NOT YA content! You'll be getting Hades and many other books and I'm SO excited for you to read them! So please, enjoy the site and get ready to follow along with me as I try to navigate this whole writer thing!